
WannaCry One of the most prolific attacks !

WannaCry is an ongoing ransomware cyber attack, that holds your computer hostage until the demanded ransom is paid.

This Crypto Worm started its attack on 2017 May 12, and was reported to infect more than 2,30,000 PC in more than 150 countries. The malware attacks vulnerable operating systems running older versions of windows.

Hackers used cyber tools stolen from the US National Security Agency to strike the attack.
WannaCry encrypts and scrambles all the data in the infected computer, then the malware
pops up with a screen displaying the ransom note and demanding fee payable in

**Crypto Currency (BitCoins). The malware has now evolved into a new worm EternalRock,

which does not have the “kill switch” like that of WannaCry.


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