
Showing posts from August, 2017


Yes Machines Can Get Whip-Smart ! Why can’t they? When we all know nothing is impossible. Mankind has come across a long way, the journey from stone and bronze to Iron Age is no less than a marvel. Today we are in digital age and slowly we are actually moving into the world of machines, the era of ‘Artificial Intelligence’. The phase where machines will evolve smarter, much advanced to make their own choice & decisions. We have witnessed how computers and phones have got smarter with time. We humans have senses that add to our intelligence, we have eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to speak skin to feel, nose to smell legs and hands to work etc. When all these senses comprised together are fed into an artificial object it too can have the future where it will stand side by side to human capabilities matching intelligence of its generator. In fact if we look around we will realize lots of intelligent objects around us. We have Siri, Google Now & Cortana as our v...